Welcome to your learning resource for understanding Leftism

You may have noticed that there is a dearth of information for really understanding why the events of the 20th century manifested themsevles in the way they did. In school I recall learning about Nazism numerous times but there was a clear gap in the curriculum when it came to understanding Marxism. This is surprising given the events in Marxist countries: the reintroduction of slavery, political re-education camps, deliberate state-terror directed against the denizens, culminating in the democide of almost one hundred million people.

One of the most important lessons to convey to future generations is the causes that led to the establishment of totalitarian societies. As we become increasingly technologically advanced the demand for us to understand totalitarian psychology, systems of ethics and diplomacy is greater than ever, particularly if we wish to co-exist without ripping one another apart. The lack of adequate teaching on this matter is an immense blind-spot, perhaps wilful, but which nonetheless carries existential risks.

“All warfare is based on deception.” — Sun Tzu
If you do not know you are under attack, then you will not defend yourself. If you are unaware of how you are being attacked, then you will not know how to defend yourself. If you do not think there is anything worth defending, then you will not be vigorous in your efforts.

My site is leading the push against the failures of education.

My goal is to give you the resources and tools to understand: how dialectical philosophy came to be developed, the methodology by which it progresses, the values which are seen alongside the political subversion, why it is intrinsically totalitarian, and where the thought has developed to in the present day. With these you should be able to recognise signs of totalitarianism and work against it.


My debut book on intellectuals’ revival of the revolution.

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The blog for learning about Leftism. This includes: selections from revolutionary authors’ works, analyses of texts, alternative authors and values, and lastly, some of my own thoughts.

A selection of important quotes on the religious aspect of the Hegelian tradition.

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