The site which unpacks Leftism.
I did not initially set out to write a book investigating the dialectical philosophy of Leftism, but after a year and three months out popped The Revolutionary Renaissance; a significant work exploring the ideas and academic approaches that produced the totalitarianism of the 20th century.
The dialectical methodology directly underpins the work of: Georg Hegel, Giovanni Gentile (Italian Fascism), Karl Marx, Vladimir ‘Lenin’ Ilyich, Antonio Gramsci, Joseph ‘Stalin’ Vassarionovich and Mao Tse-tung. Together, the ideas and political systems of these men resulted in ~90 million deaths across 90 years.

Instead of a serious effort to understand precisely how and why the dialectical tradition produces terror and democide on the scale it does, many of the Hegelian tradition have simply sought to reform or deepen their dialectical developments, aiming to produce increasingly penetrative and totalising systems of thought, though through various fractured strategies. This can be seen in the works of the later neo-Marxist or postmodern thinkers such as: Antonio Labriola, Antonio Gramsci, György Lukács, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Jean-Paul Sartre, Georges Canguilhem, Georges Bataille, Louis Althusser, Paul-Michel Foucault, Jackie ‘Jacques’ Derrida, Paulo Freire, Gayatri Spivak, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Gayle Rubin, Judith Butler, Robin DiAngelo, John Jost, Mahzarin Banaji and Vanessa Andreotti.
The problem being that the totalitarianism of the 20th century is not yet spent. Instead, it has been reformed so that it can be implemented once again, now in a world which is considerably more technologically sophisticated. If a people collapse into totalitarianism, then they will experience social and intellectual domination on a level which Stalin, Mao and Hitler could only ever have dreamed of imposing.
In Western cultures we are seeing more consistent efforts to chill free speech, iconoclasm (of statues) and historoclasm (revolutionary subjectivism and Foucauldian discourses applied to history). When free speech is removed problems can no longer be defined and can no longer be resolved, leading to catastrophic consequences. This is well complemented by the iconoclastic and historoclastic reverie to destroy old culture, so that a new one may be generated in its place; tailored to inform each set of values and the thoguhts you have so that the only action taken is revolutionary action.
If you have come here seeking a greater understanding of revolutionary philosophy and the system of Leftism, then you have come to the right place. My aim is to give you the intellectual tools and understanding to help you defend yourself and your loved ones. To deliver this I am building a short course on the dialectical methodology itself. I will be uploading videos and essays which develop the ideas I laid out in The Revolutionary Renaissance. These will further explore how revolutionary philosophy is developed by Hegelian academics, and how the youth are made into political tools whose purpose is to embody revolutionary philosophy and make the revolution happen (now frequently called ‘social justice’).
The rest however, is up to you.